Two days after being home from Kauai, I was giving Isabelle a bath and noticed that her back felt a little bumpy but didn't think it was anything more than the scratches she had gotten from sand getting under her rash guard swim suit top. I dried her off and took a closer look. This is what I saw...

There were small pink bumps ALL over her back, her sides and a few blotches on her tummy. Michael came up to have a look and we both thought that maybe she had an allergic reaction to something she ate. She hadn't had blueberries for quite sometime and we had those with ice cream for dessert and thought maybe they were the culprit. Michael raced out and got her Children's Benedryl just in case. Since I was going to be calling her doctor anyway this week to get an appointment to have her left eye that continuously waters checked out, I went ahead and called first thing this morning to make an appointment for both "problems" and as luck had it, we got a 3:30 appointment today.
She is still a lightweight peanut at 27.7 lbs. but Dr. Diab says her weight is fine and she is growing well (Phew!). He even asked me, "Wasn't she a smaller baby that I worried about?"; glad to know we have nothing to worry about in that department anymore. Although we were in there only a few months back for her 2 year check up, he did a mini-check up on her today leaving Isabelle and I walking out of his office with a Dora sticker, a prescription for 2.5% Cortisone ointment for a heat rash and Amoxicillan that she has to take twice a day for 10 days for a double ear infection! I was taken back by that one since she hasn't said boo about her ears bothering her (we chalk that up to her being in and out of air conditioning and the pool and ocean water while in Kauai). We are also now waiting for the pediatric opthomologist to call to make an appointment to see her for her watery eye. Dr. Diab doesn't think its allergies especially since I told him that we started giving her Children's Claritin a few weeks back thinking that may be the problem. He has a feeling it might be a clogged tear duct but Dr. Munoz, who she has seen before when she was a baby-baby, will check her out to give us a better diagnosis. Until then...yummy pink stuff and "medicine lotion", here we come!
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