While visiting Tia Tara in San Francisco this coming weekend, I have a feeling we will be coming home to Isabelle's crib converted into a toddler bed. We knew it was going to happen eventually but didn't think it would be this soon.
Isabelle has been caught a couple times the past few weeks trying to climb out of her crib. We tell her that its not okay and she will get hurt if she does it but yet, she still keeps trying too get out on her own if we are not in her room to get her the first time she calls one of us. As we had mentioned in a 2007 blog entry, we "built" her nursery out of the loft so we could have her upstairs closer to us. Two contractor friends of ours built up the half wall to a full wall and put in a door but knowing how hot it would get in that room with it being upstairs with only a small window to the outside way up high on one of the walls, we decided to add an indoor window on the stairwell wall to get a little more air circulation up there.
Mia and Izzy with "Summer Santa" at Relay for Life

Isabelle's Preschool pic that we didnt know she was having done. Thank goodness Ms. Holly did her hair :)

Subject: Isabelle
Well, about 20 minutes ago, I heard a little voice say "I get up?" and here she was standing in front of the desk where I was working. She now climbs out of the port-a-crib.
It was so cute!!
I came to get her from Grandmama's, since Wednesdays are her days with Isabelle, and she told Isabelle to show me what she did today. Without skipping a beat, Isabelle ran into my parents bedroom, over to her pack and play, tried to get up in it but couldn't so Mom helped her get in then Isabelle showed me exactly what she did today....
I guess our hopes to have her in a crib until FOREVER is not going to happen. We have to get out the babygate again to block the top of the stairs and I am sure there will be many sleepless nights for us when she finds out how easy it is to get to our room once she is in a "big girl bed"...so long sweet freedom! :)
McGruber - yes! The guy's a frickin' genius!
Give her some pine needles or a slip of paper and I bet she will make it happen!
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