Since Thanksgiving weekend, Christmas lights have been pointed out and brought to Isabelle's attention whether we are on a walk or in the car so being that we are home for Christmas this year, Michael has decided to become Clark Griswold in Christmas Vacation and decorate the house for his little one...hopefully no cousin Eddie's will be stopping by to celebrate with us too :)
One day while I was at work and Isabelle was at daycare, Michael unloaded not only the Christmas lights we had at home but also the ones from the theatre and like Spider man, he was hanging from our roof all day creating the best decorated house in our complex! Our neighbors across the way are known for their blow up Santa which can been seen from the main street (Arroyo Park Drive) so Michael decided that we should have a snowman (Frosty) up on our garage roof and a Santa on our patio roof above Frosty, waving hi to Santa across the way and to other passerbyers on the main street. Well little did we know that when this was completed, a light war had begun. Our next door neighbor actually overheard our neighbor's son from across the way say that "Michael has more lights than we do and their house looks better than ours". That night, 2 more blowup snowmen were on their roof along with some light up reindeer by thier garage. Unfortunately, Michael and his 1,000+ lights still had them beat and is telling them to just wait for next year. All I have to say is they had better be very afraid.
When we got there, it was packed! They had a train ride, arts and crafts, groups singing and dancing (that brought back memories from when I was in show choir) and best of all, Santa! With Isabelle's new found infatuation with lights, we have also found out that she loves Santa. When we pass by Santa's House at the mall, regardless if there is a child sitting on his lap, she stops at the railing and says, "Hi Santa, Hi!" and usually gets a wave back so when I found out Santa would be at this ceremony, I thought this would be a great photo opportunity and best of was free! Well when the time came to go and see Santa at the hospital shindig, here is what we got; she saw him, said hi and then the minute I sat her in his lap and backed up to get a picture, she lost it! The tears came flowing!
Isabelle and Santa
After that and when she calmed down, she said goodbye to Santa and we headed through the crowd and over to the tree to wait for the ceremony to start. We stopped by a booth to get Isabelle a cookie, admired kids projects that were being made at other booths...I think she will have more fun next year when she can participate in those, stopped and saw the firemen and firetruck (Santa's ride that day/night) and listened to some high school choirs sing holiday songs. We had a few comments like, "you guys are going to have your hands full" and "three debutantes?" to JP and I when we kindly told them that Isabelle was mine and the twins were his and our spouses were working. After waiting for about 15 minutes and no one speaking, when the Christmas tree lights were abruptly turned on without warning, we do have to was very anti climatic but definitely beautiful.
Papa getting our house ready for Xmas!
Speaking of Christmas lights and sharing with you just how much our little one loves them, it was decided that I was going to take her to our city's 24th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at the local hospital, which happens to be in walking distance from our house. So while April and Michael were hard at work, Jason came over with Roxy and Jazzy, we loaded them up in their strollers and made our way down to the hospital.
Jazzy, Roxy and Isabelle
Isabelle and Santa
Before they "hit" the lights...
After oohing and ahhing for a few minutes, we headed back to the house to meet up with the spouses for dinner and a movie. If any of you have not seen "The Amateurs", put it on your list along with pizza and a red wine called Masquerade. MMMMM, it makes for a great night!
Heading home...
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