Saturday, December 13, 2008

Chatty Cathy

Little Miss Isabelle is on a roll repeating EVERY word you say to her, which Michael is getting a HUGE kick out of. One of his favorites is when she is done with the shower or is upstairs just getting up from bed (be it nap time or if he gets her in the morning when I am home) he has her yell, "MOM" to get my attention. Or, for any "Wedding Crasher" movie fans, he has her say,"Mom!" then she says, "Meatloaf!", which makes me laugh every time!

She says over 80 words now (some clearer than others) and knows what those words mean. She still at times correlates animals to their sounds (ie: cat is "Maow", Elephant is "brrrruuuhh", etc.) but then says what they are after she makes the sound. At Halloween she would see a witch and say "witch", a pumpkin and say "peinkin", a ghost and say "boo"...she never really got the word ghost. Now as we come into the Christmas season, she is saying everything as she is told what it is...Santa, Angel, Frosty (since she can't say snowman very well), lights, tree, deer and the best one is Merry Christmas or "Mais-miss-miss" as Isabelle would say. Take a listen...