Saturday, December 27, 2008

HOHOHO! Merry Christmas!

What a Christmas our little one had this year and like everyone said, this is going to be a fun year for us watching HER open all of her gifts and seriously, it was so much fun. The whole family agrees that Christmas is officially all about Isabelle :)
Santa pic at Pet Smart but Isabelle wouldn't do it on her own! We started Christmas with Tia Tara, Isabelle and I meeting Grandmama and Poppy at church on Christmas Eve; Michael stayed home to read the annual "Twas the Night Before Christmas" story over the phone to the rest of the family in Michigan. Isabelle was very well behaved at church and we were armed and dangerous with things for her to do. This was the "children's service" with a live nativity play (minus the animals, of course). The highlight of the service was when the narrator of the play, who happened to have white hair and a big ol' white beard, came walking/talking down the aisle and our little one blurts out, "SANTA! HO HO!". We have tell you, it was really funny to everyone in earshot. The service was nice and I didn't cry-unlike the midnight candlelight service where I can hardly contain myself-but instead Tara, Mom and I took turns holding Isabelle as she named things in the church (including "JOE!" when she saw Pastor Joe), telling us whatever she was doing or wanting to do and best of all, tilting her head from side to side when the congregation sang Silent Night...just like the kids do on the Wiggles movie "A Very Wiggly Christmas".
Xmas Eve dinner at Spumoni...mmmmm pasta!
Since we attended the early service we all went to dinner afterwards, picking up Papa on the way, and came home where Tia Tara, Michael and I stayed up talking, placing all of the gifts that we had out of Isabelle's reach, under the tree and debating on opening just a few gifts...we decided to wait.
Xmas morning at our house.
Christmas morning came and Isabelle decided to sleep in until 9:00 so Tara and I (remember I was only 2 weeks into my foot surgery healing process so I had to have someone drive me everywhere) had time to go and find a store that was open to get some breakfast munchies for all-thank goodness for Ralphs! Grandmama and Poppy arrived at our house around 10:30 just as Isabelle, bedhead and all, was tearing into her first Christmas present from Grandma and Grandpa O; one of the ones that were pouring out from beneath our little "slim tree". She then proceeded to pretty much rip open any gift that was or was not hers, even Papa's "Hulk Hands" which were a gift to him from her that she didn't want anything (and still doesn't) to do with :( I had visions of the two of them playing with those for hours on end...maybe next Christmas?

Sniffing her doll's bottom, making sure she doesn't have poop-LOL!
She tore threw the rest of the gifts like a madwoman! We will have to tell you though, her favorite gift from that part of the day was the baby crib from Grandma and Grandpa O. After I assembled it, Isabelle immediately went and got her baby doll, a blanket and her old Detroit Red Wings baby bottle and put her baby into the crib to go "nah night". Her second favorite was a toss up between a new puzzle and her first Barbie doll from her Aunt Ashley. Boy was she (us too) spoiled rotten! Thank you guys again!

Opening Malibu Barbie from Aunt AshleyTia Tara and I Christmas morning at our house.
Michael and a Special Edition Sports Illustrated Red Wings edition
Once Christmas morning at our house was over, the three of us got ready and headed over to Mom and Dad's to spend the rest of Christmas day at their house...with Grandma (Nana) too. As soon as we got there, out to the garage went Poppy and Papa to turn on the deep fryer (more "deep fried goodness" just like Turkey Day), out came the eggnog and under the Christmas tree Isabelle went! Between opening gifts, dancing around and entertaining us, this little one was just about done.

Finding just the right gift for herself
Frosty? It was around 1:30 when we started opening gifts so at about 2:00, since there had been no afternoon nap yet, Isabelle was grabbing a spot on the blanket next to her dog ready to head off to "la-la land". While she napped, we sat down to dig into our Christmas dinner....deep fried pork loin, cheesy grits, green bean casserole, sauerkraut and dumplings and the finishing touch...Michael's Grandma's "refrigerator rolls"-MMMMM!

Nah Night little one
After stuffing our faces and finishing off dinner with some date nut pudding and cool whip (everything is better with cooohl whhhhip), Isabelle woke up and was ready to go and finish opening her was like we had 3 Christmases! She loved the piano that Nana gave her (which is staying at Grandmama's house) and the little table and chair set she got from Grandmama and Poppy. To end the evening we hopped into the car and drove around for one last look at one of Isabelle's favorite things about Christmas...the Christmas lights.
A house in of the winners for the Signal's (our local paper) contest.
Merry Christmas one and all!

Isabelle serenading her Papa

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ring Around the Rosie

Even though the literal meaning of this song is awful to think about (as Michael kindly points out to us when we sing it) is one of Isabelle's favorite games :) She is even starting to sing the end of the song with us..."Ashes, Ashes (pause) DOWN"!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays!

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Saturday, December 13, 2008

Chatty Cathy

Little Miss Isabelle is on a roll repeating EVERY word you say to her, which Michael is getting a HUGE kick out of. One of his favorites is when she is done with the shower or is upstairs just getting up from bed (be it nap time or if he gets her in the morning when I am home) he has her yell, "MOM" to get my attention. Or, for any "Wedding Crasher" movie fans, he has her say,"Mom!" then she says, "Meatloaf!", which makes me laugh every time!

She says over 80 words now (some clearer than others) and knows what those words mean. She still at times correlates animals to their sounds (ie: cat is "Maow", Elephant is "brrrruuuhh", etc.) but then says what they are after she makes the sound. At Halloween she would see a witch and say "witch", a pumpkin and say "peinkin", a ghost and say "boo"...she never really got the word ghost. Now as we come into the Christmas season, she is saying everything as she is told what it is...Santa, Angel, Frosty (since she can't say snowman very well), lights, tree, deer and the best one is Merry Christmas or "Mais-miss-miss" as Isabelle would say. Take a listen...

Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Lights

Since Thanksgiving weekend, Christmas lights have been pointed out and brought to Isabelle's attention whether we are on a walk or in the car so being that we are home for Christmas this year, Michael has decided to become Clark Griswold in Christmas Vacation and decorate the house for his little one...hopefully no cousin Eddie's will be stopping by to celebrate with us too :)

One day while I was at work and Isabelle was at daycare, Michael unloaded not only the Christmas lights we had at home but also the ones from the theatre and like Spider man, he was hanging from our roof all day creating the best decorated house in our complex! Our neighbors across the way are known for their blow up Santa which can been seen from the main street (Arroyo Park Drive) so Michael decided that we should have a snowman (Frosty) up on our garage roof and a Santa on our patio roof above Frosty, waving hi to Santa across the way and to other passerbyers on the main street. Well little did we know that when this was completed, a light war had begun. Our next door neighbor actually overheard our neighbor's son from across the way say that "Michael has more lights than we do and their house looks better than ours". That night, 2 more blowup snowmen were on their roof along with some light up reindeer by thier garage. Unfortunately, Michael and his 1,000+ lights still had them beat and is telling them to just wait for next year. All I have to say is they had better be very afraid.

Papa getting our house ready for Xmas!
Speaking of Christmas lights and sharing with you just how much our little one loves them, it was decided that I was going to take her to our city's 24th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony at the local hospital, which happens to be in walking distance from our house. So while April and Michael were hard at work, Jason came over with Roxy and Jazzy, we loaded them up in their strollers and made our way down to the hospital.
Jazzy, Roxy and Isabelle
When we got there, it was packed! They had a train ride, arts and crafts, groups singing and dancing (that brought back memories from when I was in show choir) and best of all, Santa! With Isabelle's new found infatuation with lights, we have also found out that she loves Santa. When we pass by Santa's House at the mall, regardless if there is a child sitting on his lap, she stops at the railing and says, "Hi Santa, Hi!" and usually gets a wave back so when I found out Santa would be at this ceremony, I thought this would be a great photo opportunity and best of was free! Well when the time came to go and see Santa at the hospital shindig, here is what we got; she saw him, said hi and then the minute I sat her in his lap and backed up to get a picture, she lost it! The tears came flowing!

Isabelle and SantaAfter that and when she calmed down, she said goodbye to Santa and we headed through the crowd and over to the tree to wait for the ceremony to start. We stopped by a booth to get Isabelle a cookie, admired kids projects that were being made at other booths...I think she will have more fun next year when she can participate in those, stopped and saw the firemen and firetruck (Santa's ride that day/night) and listened to some high school choirs sing holiday songs. We had a few comments like, "you guys are going to have your hands full" and "three debutantes?" to JP and I when we kindly told them that Isabelle was mine and the twins were his and our spouses were working. After waiting for about 15 minutes and no one speaking, when the Christmas tree lights were abruptly turned on without warning, we do have to was very anti climatic but definitely beautiful.

Before they "hit" the lights...

After oohing and ahhing for a few minutes, we headed back to the house to meet up with the spouses for dinner and a movie. If any of you have not seen "The Amateurs", put it on your list along with pizza and a red wine called Masquerade. MMMMM, it makes for a great night!

Heading home...