Sniffing her doll's bottom, making sure she doesn't have poop-LOL!

Posted by Mamabear at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Even though the literal meaning of this song is awful to think about (as Michael kindly points out to us when we sing it)...it is one of Isabelle's favorite games :) She is even starting to sing the end of the song with us..."Ashes, Ashes (pause) DOWN"!
Posted by Mamabear at 10:12 PM 2 comments
Posted by Mamabear at 4:17 PM 0 comments
After oohing and ahhing for a few minutes, we headed back to the house to meet up with the spouses for dinner and a movie. If any of you have not seen "The Amateurs", put it on your list along with pizza and a red wine called Masquerade. MMMMM, it makes for a great night!
Heading home...
Posted by Mamabear at 10:06 PM 0 comments
What a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend we had and so much to be thankful for! Our health, family and great friends but most of all the outdoor, electric deep fryer!We started off the night before with a sleepover at our house...for the kids :) It was Mama and Papa's turn for a night out and with Grandmama and Poppy in South Carolina for the holiday, we were forced to hire a sitter for the night. We were quick on the draw and got the most popular sitter amongst our friends, Jessica, two weeks prior to Thanksgiving Eve. So when the weekend before rolled around 2 others called on her and quickly found out that she was already booked. It was decided then, since we were all going out to the same place that night and for the same amount of time, we would ask Jessica come over to our house with a friend to babysit all 4 kids...Isabelle, Mackenzie, Roxy and Jazzy. The night went off without a hitch, the kids were great, we all rode in a party bus to Mulligans, which was a blast, and we had our babysitters back to Jessica's house by 1:30am....don't worry, I was the responsible one that night :) We wound up having a sleep over of our own with the Price's in the downstairs bedroom with their girls and Mikee, Amber and Johnny asleep in the living room on our new couch and one in the recliner! It was too funny!
Vanessa, Amber and Mikee getting the "deep fried goodies" ready.But let me tell you, 8am rolled around really quick and we were up and at 'em with scrambled eggs, bacon and donuts to start Thanksgiving off right! Out came the deep fryer, crock pot and industrial mixer for the Owston contribution to the Thanksgiving feast. We had so much good food and people came prepared to deep fry. We had mozzarella sticks (deep fried string cheese), zucchini, rolls, bananas, sweet potatoes, onion rings, pears (thanks Tara), mac and cheese, these Puerto Rican rice balls, a 13 lb. turkey and 2 turkey breasts that were infused with all sorts of spices and to top of the end of the night....chocolate cake (nasty)! Isabelle wanted nothing to do with the turkey or stuffing but loved Auntie Nessa's (Vanessa) macaroni and cheese, my crock pot sweet potatoes and the deep fried ones, corn and of course, Papa's rolls.
Papa deep frying Vanessa's macaroni and cheese....mmmmm, good!
Posted by Mamabear at 7:35 PM 0 comments
The look....so sweet and innocent, right? From her big teethy grins to her "wuv wu's", little Isabelle Anessa has everyone fooled! The time in Isabelle's life that we have been dreading has finally arrived; the day when the word "no" becomes a staple in her everyday vocabulary. From asking if she wants help down the stairs (since she has mastered going up them on her own) to what she wants to eat...this one has become a very opinionated little girl. Which is still kind of funny but oh buddy, I am sure we will not be feeling the same way a few months from now.
Here is how the stair scenario goes:
Isabelle starts down the stairs by herself but holding onto the railing.
Me: "Mommy help you?"
Izzy: "No."
Me: "Please, Mommy help you?" as I grab for her free hand.
Izzy: "No! Izzy." As she pulls her hand away from me and I go down to the step in front of her...just in case.
Izzy, as she bends over forward on the stairs and touches the step she is on (insert Mom having a heart attack): "Stair."
Me: "Yes, stairs."
Then we round the corner where there is no rail to grab.
Me: "Mom help?" Izzy actually gives me her hand for 2 steps where there is no rail then is off on her own again.
Izzy: "Sock" as she stops on a step and lifts up one of her feet to show me her sock.
Me: "Yes, Izzy's sock."
Izzy, as she points to my feet: "Mama's sock."
Me: "Yes dear, Mama's sock."
Izzy: "Du, tree!" (translation: two, three) As she climbs down the last few steps.
Then there is "the stool". Mom/Grandmama and I bought her a stool for each of our homes to assist Isabelle with getting on the potty, washing her hands, etc. which she now moves around everywhere and climbs up onto it to reach everything. She brings it into my bathroom to brush her teeth (although she cant quite reach the top of the sink yet), she brings it to almost every light switch downstairs so she can turn them on and off, she uses it as a toy to jump off of and of course sits on it when she is all pooped out at the end of her day :)
The StoolSpeaking of "pooped", we are still working on potty training but we have to admit, not consistently. She does however let us know when she has a poopie diaper and lately, she says "poo poo" before she goes. So we are able to share with you that we have had one success story with going #2 on the potty! YAY! She loves being in the bathroom, sitting on her Elmo seat and reading all of the "bathroom literature" we have in a basket for her; "Got to Go", "Once Upon a Potty", "Everybody Poops" and a few other books that we hope will inspire her to "go. We will be sure to let you know!
Posted by Mamabear at 8:07 PM 0 comments
Posted by Mamabear at 7:15 AM 1 comments
A glimpse at what all goes on behind the scenes of getting 9 kids, all under the age of 2, to sit, look at the camera and smile. Enjoy!
Thanks Trish and Dan (their son is Kyle, the little lion)!
Posted by Mamabear at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Posted by Mamabear at 12:27 PM 0 comments
Posted by Mamabear at 7:49 AM 0 comments