Thursday, October 18, 2007

What to do?

For the last 2 months Isabelle has been sleeping through the night going to bed between 7pm and 10pm, which we are so grateful for. However, we cannot figure out why is it that when she goes to bed as early as 7pm she wakes up at 7:30am and when she goes to bed later on the weekends say at 10pm, she still wakes up at 7:30 am! We put her down later on the weekends in hopes that we will be able to sleep in but that has yet to happen. We know that beggars can't be choosers so we are just very thankful that she started sleeping through the night as early on as she did.

On that same note, we do have a bad habit on occasion, of letting her nod off downstairs with us and on sometimes letting her fall completely asleep before we put her to bed. We have read that this, in the long run, is not a good thing since she needs to know that when she is in her crib it is time to sleep. To us, that rule stinks :) It is so much easier to plop her into bed when she is on her way to la-la land or is already completely out but know that this needs to be enforced now otherwise we may be doomed! We will be trying harder starting this week to stick with a better routine and put her to bed while she is still awake or somewhat awake and will let you know how that goes :)

Bath time has become a lot of fun since Isabelle has been able to sit up on her own. Forget the baby tubs, we have moved onto the kitchen sink! She loves it and so do we. I have been bathing her in the sink for a little over a month now but being that it was just her and I when I did it, there was no way to get any pictures of her so here are some from the other night when Dad and I both got to have some bath time fun with her :)

This is a good routine to start every night before bedtime but from the looks of it, wouldn't you think it would get her wound up vs. winding down?


The Molloy's said...

Elise is the same way - the later we put her to bed the earlier she gets up! Makes no sense to me, but it is always the case. Similarly, when she was younger the more she napped during the day, the longer she slept at night. Sleep begets sleep? Maybe you'll get a little more shut eye when Daylight Savings kicks in!