I didn't have a chance last week to tell you about last weekend! With Michael helping with the Wine Festival, that we have assisted with the past three years, and me at home watching Isabelle, I thought it would be a great time to post another post-is that the right verbiage? :)
Anywho....the weekend started off with my birthday on Friday (9/28), turning ummmmmm 29 again and Isabelle turning 6 months, a half a year old! That is going to be a lot of fun to celebrate with me as she gets older. First of all, I woke up and went downstairs to find a BEAUTIFUL large jewelry box, that I have been wanting forever, with a bow on it sitting on my sink counter top from Michael, Isabelle and Bear. What a great surprise to wake up to that morning!That evening, we attended the Canyon Theatre Guild's, the community theatre down the street from ours, annual Fall Gala/Fundraiser. While browsing the silent auction stuff, a pair of hands covered my eyes...not having a clue on who it could be, I asked for a hint. I heard a girl start singing "My Little Buttercup" from the Three Amigos and I instantaneously knew who it was...my sister! She came out here from San Francisco to celebrate my birthday with me. We had a wonderful time with the whole family, except for Isabelle, there that night!
As for Izzy, she was being babysat by some good friends of ours, Danielle, Troy and Jessica (who will be one of her babysitters when Isabelle is 1 and Grandmama and Grandpa Ilich can't watch her). She did really well for them...they were fighting over who was going to feed her and who was feeding her right. But, as it happened again, when it came to bedtime Isabelle fought it tooth and nail! She cried and fussed for about 20 minutes and finally Jessica got her to sleep. When we picked her up, she was asleep in the pack and play but by the time we got home, she was awake and ready to play! We knew she needed to get some more sleep before the Street Arts Festival the following day.
At the Street Arts Festival they had vendors, chalk drawings (that were unbelievable), games and craft booths for kids and airbrush tattoos :) As most of you know, Michael and I have small bear paw tattoos in the middle of our backs (for Mamabear and Papabear) and I couldn't resist getting one for our little one (as well as her new "bling shoes"-hehe). We had a great time walking around with Laura and Nathan and Amy and Mackenzie. Next year will be even more fun, as we chase all the kids around....they will be walking by then! Oh No!! :)
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