As you all have read, heard about or perhaps witness it yourselves, Southern California's heat wave started about a month ago and with that comes creative, cool but energy burning activities to do with the little ones whether you are inside or out.
Riding her tricycle before dusk ...about 7:15pm
We are pretty lucky living in the community that we do. It is very family friendly and family oriented with endless activities and groups to be a part of the entire year. Summers are the best times. We have had many BBQ's and swim parties to attend along with indoor mall playground days and play dates at others homes, for a change of scenery and to keep all of us cool. In the midst of preschool and other activities, Isabelle had learned to ride her tricycle and scooter like a pro! Almost every night after picking her up from Preschool or Grandmama's (and weather permitting of course), I let her ride around in front of the garage or we take Bear for a walk and she rides her scooter. She had been eye-balling our neighbor Sophia's skateboard so who knows what is in store for us next.
Chowing down on BBQ'ed corn on the cob

One of our most favorite summer night activities to attend is Concerts in the Park. Every Saturday night the City of Santa Clarita puts on a concert, cover bands mostly, that are free to the public. Some bands are OK and others you need to arrive 3-4 hours beforehand to get a good spot! The usual suspects always get a group together and either carpool or meet somewhere and walk to Central Park; the double seat wagon Isabelle got for her 1st birthday comes in very handy for those nights.
Bravo...Encore, Encore! 
Isabelle and I hitched a ride with Amy and Mackenzie when we went to see the opening concert featuring
The Skinny Little Twits. The girls were hilarious in their car seats next to one another. They got a HUGE kick out of it, giggling the entire way! When we arrived at the park, we were greeted by April and the Pickles (Roxy and Jazzy). The Hovhannisyan's and Price's were all set up right in the middle with a great shot of the stage. And within 20 minutes after getting there, the Magin's and Mangione's arrived to complete our group for the night.
Mackie and Izzy "dog piling" each other on the dance floor.
The Skinny Little Twits played everything! The Eagles, Led Zeppelin, AC/DC, etc. and the kids were rocking out like crazy. I took Isabelle and Mackenzie up to the dance floor and there was no stopping them. They were dancing around together, falling on top of each other, playing London Bridges under my legs, just having a great time. We slowly started our way back to our "site", holding hands the entire way. We had a picnic dinner (PB and J for the girls and Corner Bakery for Amy and I) then right back to dancing until the concert was over. We had 2 pooped out little munchkins on the ride home that needless to say, slept VERY well that night.
Mia and Izzy cuttin a rug
Going along the same outdoor evening event theme, our local mall (Westfield) also hosted "Hot Summer Nights"....a month of concerts outside the mall on Tuesday nights. When we first read the line up we know that we HAD to come out for Boogie Knights (70's cover band-all Disco)! Besides all three Owston's getting to go together, to make the evening even more complete we were invited to a private preparty at Sicily (which is a restaurant that happened to be right next to the stage) for free food and drinks! After the preparty we got a table outside on the patio and watched Boogie Knights from there, until Isabelle wanted to go dance.
Debbie taught Isabelle how to suck up spaghetti Lady and the Tramp style (pic by Tom)
She found her friend Jenna out on the dance floor and those two tore it up! Isabelle would be back and forth from the dance floor and then back into the restaurant for a break. Later on in the evening we all made it out there and were dancing machines! Tom had his new camera and was out there clicking away (a few of these are his-thanks again, Tom).
Izzy and silly Tom
That night must have made an impression on Isabelle because the last few times we have gone over to the mall the first thing she asks is if we will see Boogie Knights? I have to tell her no but we will be seeing them again soon because they are playing the last Concerts in the Park on Saturday, August 29! WHOO HOOO! This will be "that concert" where you will have to be sure to stake out your spot at least 4 hours before the concert.
Silly Papa (pic by Tom)
Look out last concerts of summer...we will be there boogying until you send us home. Gotta love So Cal!
Isabelle dancing to Boogie Knights
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