A dear friend of the family, "Grandma" Pat joined my Mom, Isabelle and I for lunch last month and as we were filling her in on all of the Isabelle updates, Isabelle would be chiming in with her 2 cents. Some making perfect sense and said with clarity and others that Pat would have to turn to Mom and I to translate what Isabelle was saying to her. Pat then asked me if I had been writing everything down? I told her, well you know we have the blog for her and Pat said does it include everything she says? I sat and thought about it and realized, I don't think I have really kept track of all of the things she says; funny, serious, words and phrases that she says and you have to translate, the times when she goes to repeat what you said but its only the last 2 or last word or even the ones that she can say clearly.
Words that need translating:
Looplops=Flip flops
Burpday Party=Birthday Party
Nem-en-nem= M&M (usually said as she is pee-peeing on the potty)
Bee-bop-bop= Lollipop
Merry Miss-Mas= Merry Christmas
Ove-er one= Other one
Dillo=Armadillo from her Not the Hippopatamus book
Simming Suit=swimming suit
Tum On= Come on
Scharmie=Smartie (she got one of them everytime she peepee'd or poo-poo'ed in the potty)
Go away, B (however when she first started she would say to Bear, "leave alone")
Go Wings!
I say, "F is for.." and her response, "FART"
More please
Looking in the mirror she will say, "Cute"
Isabelle's turn
Shoes on/Crocs on
I can do it! (yes...it has started)
Pretending to be calling someone on any phone, "hello, yes, uh huh, okay, good bye"
Ask her who's baby is Amy/Travis, Mike/Caryn, Courtney/Mike and April/JP's and she will match the child to the parents.
Trys to sing the ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Bah Bah Black Sheep, Row Row Row Your Boat and her favorite (as we practice before our trip to Disneyland) Yo Ho, Yo Ho!
Come on!
Lets Outside (forgets "go")
I hold you...instead of hold me
Sit down/LayDown
Cover up, Mommy
I want to do it!
Dinosaur Song (here he comes, from afar...)
I go to work now. Bye.
I do______, Mommy or You do _______, Mommy.
You stay here, Mommy (Grandmama, Poppy, Papa, etc.). I'll be back.
Watch this, Mommy (or anyone else).
Mommy and Daddy are coming (she learned that at preschool)
And my favorite...I love YOUUUU!
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