I am sitting on the plane right now on my way home from Toronto Canada, waiting patiently for the captain to come over the PA system saying something along the lines of, “Ladies and Gentleman, we have turned on the fasten seat belt sign in preparation for our descent into Los Angeles”. So I figure what better way to burn time than to write a blog entry on the whereabouts and whatnot's of the Owston family this past week that I can just cut and paste into an entry tomorrow or later tonight. You’ve just got to love technology :)
My week: As most of you know, Mirko (aka: the Boss, Dad and Poppy) were in Chicago and Toronto Canada on business the past 5 days while Mom/Grandmama and Michael were juggling Isabelle duties (thank you both from the bottom of TTI’s heart). We spent 1-1/2 days in Toronto and 3- 1/2 days in Chicago, where we did get a little time for ourselves. The first night in Chy-town (as Michael calls it), Dad and I went over to a friend’s (who happens to be a previous employee of Traveling Times) new house to have dinner with her and her hubby, who was the reason for them moving back there so he could open up a Charter School…a dream come true for him! Colleen and James’ place was great! And after the grand tour, I went ahead and claimed Michael's and my room when we get out there for an “adult weekend” for a few days. We got caught up on everything and thanks to this blog, they were all caught up on the ins and outs of Isabelle. I do have to mention for those who have yet to try REAL Chicago Deep Dish Pizza, put it on your list of “must do’s” because it is AMAZING! I seriously can’t wait to go back for that!
The "Bean" at Millennium Park in ChicagoWhile we were in Chicago and before all of the meetings started and before heading off to Toronto, it was highly suggested by James and Collen that Mirko and I should go and visit Millennium Park where Cloud Gate or "The Bean" is. It is amazing! Here are a few pics off of it that I took on my cell phone and a link to a web page that will explain all about it: http://www.millenniumpark.org/artandarchitecture/cloud_gate.html This is a definite must see if you are ever in Chicago. Check out the skyline reflection in it...crazy!
More of Cloud GateCan you find my Dad and I?
Check out the buildings skyline!
Isabelle/Grandmama/Michael's Week: With me being gone for 5 days, I have become homesick and am missing my family a lot right about now. I called home every night and during the day I received random calls from Michael letting me know that Isabelle did something or another; like beating up on her dog, instigating a pillow fight with her Papa or the very worst thing for me to hear long distance….giving away FREE KISSES! This is a very big deal in our household right now. Isabelle doesn’t give her kisses away for free all the time anymore. We have to work for them which usually means we have to attack her and hold her down as she tries to push our faces away from her. Yeah, it’s a game we started that I feel sort of backfired in our faces. Oh well, she will overcome it one day and it makes each kiss she gives us "for free", just that much more special.
Another Isabelle "Go-Gurt Escapade"She was awesome with Grandmama at night when Michael had rehearsals for Of Mice and Men (the next show at our theatre that he happens to be directing). They went to the park, played at home, walked the dog every night and even went out to dinner a few times. And just like with me, she was in bed by 8:30 every night. Way to go Grandmama! :) She sent along a few photos too (above and below) via cell phone which made me extremely happy each time one arrived.
Isabelle at Off Broadway Bistro in ValenciaWhen I spoke with Michael earlier today, he was telling me that they were driving around town running errands and all of a sudden from the back seat he hears “nah nigh”. Guess who was ready to go home for her nap? You got it…Isabelle. He said that she has been telling him or Grandmama when she is ready for bed by saying “nah nigh”, that is if they don’t get her upstairs before then. I can’t wait to see if she does that for me tomorrow night or if she will just play away until I tell her its time to go “night night”. I will let you know how it goes. All I know is that I cannot wait to get off this plane, out to the curbside, hunt down Mom’s car and hop into the back seat and smother my little Stinkadoo with kisses…even if she isn’t giving out free kisses!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Missing her...
Posted by Mamabear at 10:53 PM
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