This morning around 8:15am, we hear Isabelle tootling around in her crib. Thinking nothing of it, we laid in bed for a few minutes longer getting our bearings before going in to get her. Well all of a sudden we hear one of her newer phrases, "uh oh" and then not a second later another "uh oh" is heard and then again and again. Curiosity got the best of me and I cut my "bearings finding time" short and I went and took a peek at what our little one was up too. As I peeked through her door I saw all of her toys and books that were in her crib, on the floor and her standing there in her crib with her pillow in hand hanging it over the edge of the crib and as soon as she saw me, she dropped it and take a guess what she said....yup, "uh oh". Then she sees Bear and it turns to "Hi, B". We both started laughing. What a great way to start our Saturday!
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Missing her...
I am sitting on the plane right now on my way home from Toronto Canada, waiting patiently for the captain to come over the PA system saying something along the lines of, “Ladies and Gentleman, we have turned on the fasten seat belt sign in preparation for our descent into Los Angeles”. So I figure what better way to burn time than to write a blog entry on the whereabouts and whatnot's of the Owston family this past week that I can just cut and paste into an entry tomorrow or later tonight. You’ve just got to love technology :)
My week: As most of you know, Mirko (aka: the Boss, Dad and Poppy) were in Chicago and Toronto Canada on business the past 5 days while Mom/Grandmama and Michael were juggling Isabelle duties (thank you both from the bottom of TTI’s heart). We spent 1-1/2 days in Toronto and 3- 1/2 days in Chicago, where we did get a little time for ourselves. The first night in Chy-town (as Michael calls it), Dad and I went over to a friend’s (who happens to be a previous employee of Traveling Times) new house to have dinner with her and her hubby, who was the reason for them moving back there so he could open up a Charter School…a dream come true for him! Colleen and James’ place was great! And after the grand tour, I went ahead and claimed Michael's and my room when we get out there for an “adult weekend” for a few days. We got caught up on everything and thanks to this blog, they were all caught up on the ins and outs of Isabelle. I do have to mention for those who have yet to try REAL Chicago Deep Dish Pizza, put it on your list of “must do’s” because it is AMAZING! I seriously can’t wait to go back for that!
The "Bean" at Millennium Park in ChicagoWhile we were in Chicago and before all of the meetings started and before heading off to Toronto, it was highly suggested by James and Collen that Mirko and I should go and visit Millennium Park where Cloud Gate or "The Bean" is. It is amazing! Here are a few pics off of it that I took on my cell phone and a link to a web page that will explain all about it: This is a definite must see if you are ever in Chicago. Check out the skyline reflection in it...crazy!
More of Cloud GateCan you find my Dad and I?
Check out the buildings skyline!
Isabelle/Grandmama/Michael's Week: With me being gone for 5 days, I have become homesick and am missing my family a lot right about now. I called home every night and during the day I received random calls from Michael letting me know that Isabelle did something or another; like beating up on her dog, instigating a pillow fight with her Papa or the very worst thing for me to hear long distance….giving away FREE KISSES! This is a very big deal in our household right now. Isabelle doesn’t give her kisses away for free all the time anymore. We have to work for them which usually means we have to attack her and hold her down as she tries to push our faces away from her. Yeah, it’s a game we started that I feel sort of backfired in our faces. Oh well, she will overcome it one day and it makes each kiss she gives us "for free", just that much more special.
Another Isabelle "Go-Gurt Escapade"She was awesome with Grandmama at night when Michael had rehearsals for Of Mice and Men (the next show at our theatre that he happens to be directing). They went to the park, played at home, walked the dog every night and even went out to dinner a few times. And just like with me, she was in bed by 8:30 every night. Way to go Grandmama! :) She sent along a few photos too (above and below) via cell phone which made me extremely happy each time one arrived.
Isabelle at Off Broadway Bistro in ValenciaWhen I spoke with Michael earlier today, he was telling me that they were driving around town running errands and all of a sudden from the back seat he hears “nah nigh”. Guess who was ready to go home for her nap? You got it…Isabelle. He said that she has been telling him or Grandmama when she is ready for bed by saying “nah nigh”, that is if they don’t get her upstairs before then. I can’t wait to see if she does that for me tomorrow night or if she will just play away until I tell her its time to go “night night”. I will let you know how it goes. All I know is that I cannot wait to get off this plane, out to the curbside, hunt down Mom’s car and hop into the back seat and smother my little Stinkadoo with kisses…even if she isn’t giving out free kisses!
Posted by Mamabear at 10:53 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Watch what you say!
For the past few months I have been very conscious of everything that comes out of my mouth and out of others mouths (making them aware of what they say), knowing that one day soon Isabelle will be repeating whatever she hears. Each time I think about that all I can imagine is the movie Meet the Parents and the scene with "Little Jack" and his "first word" you remember that one? "A**-hooooole". Yup, that sure was funny in the movie but I don't think it would be so funny if it happened in real life. Nothing like that has happened, do I dare say, yet? So I am trying to take precautionary measures at all times in hopes that it never does happen with our little one.
Right now Isabelle's vocabulary, that is understandable and you do not need a translator like myself, Michael, Lisa or Grandmama for, consists of:
- Buh Bye
- Bubble
- Mama
- Papa
- Ball
- Jazzy
- Hi
- "B" for Bear
- Bath
- Done, and she signs "all done"/"finished" as she says it
- Ice
- Eat, and signs it as she says it
- Ice
- Baby
- Eyes
And these are the words she says that you have to listen closely to and may need a translator for:
- "Ahhsh" for wash, as she rubs her hands together like she is washing them
- "Melmow" for Elmo
- "Malk" for milk
- "Juiss" for juice
- "Moh" for more, and she signs it as she says it
- "Nah nigh" for night night
- "Peas" for please, and she signs it as she says it
- "Duggie" for doggie or "ouf ouf"
- "Ot" for hot
- "oxy" for Roxy
- "Ock" for sock
- "Dink" for drink
- "Nana" for banana
- "Bahple" for apple
- "Ush" for brush and then she pretends to brush her teeth
- "Teef" for teeth
I am sure I left some out but these are the ones I thought of at the moment. She also is great with making the sounds that animals make as well as knowing all of her body parts (eyes, nose, ears, legs, fingers, hands, hair, teeth, etc.). She even knows where her butt is -hehe- I taught her that one :)
And now, without further ado...let's hear Isabelle speak! I was driving so I couldn't get a good shot of her face as she spoke but at least you can hear her little voice :) You can hear her say "buh-bye" and blow a kiss (listen closely for "MUAH").
Posted by Mamabear at 12:00 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Just a funny clip we had to share
Did you catch how after yelling at whomever on the phone, she plopped herself down on the pillow? It kills me! :)
Posted by Mamabear at 9:41 PM 1 comments
Thursday, August 14, 2008
More teeth!
Just when you think you get a break...something else pops up! In this case, it's Isabelle's teeth, AGAIN!
Isabelle with a lollipop in Big BearOnce again our little one woke up in the middle of the night last night two times, but she was whining instead of crying. She was a little warm but who isn't at night in California, 90+ degree in the daytime and still lingering in the nighttime, weather? We tried giving her milk in her sippy cup (no more bottles at night or for her naps, as of two days ago) and she wanted nothing to do with it. Isabelle only wanted to be held. So I finally got to have her sit with me in the glider/rocker! Why the exclamation point you may ask...well I don't think I ever noted this in the blog but ever since returning home from Big Bear, rocking Isabelle in the glider has been something of the past. Now, she basically "tells" us when she is ready to go to bed. When she looks tired and we ask her if she wants to go "night night" (that is if its before 8:30 otherwise we will just per her in bed at that time) and if she is, she walks right upstairs to her room and points to her crib, wanting nothing to do with her Mom or anyone for that matter, rocking her. Last night though, she snuggled with me like she used to and went back to sleep after about 10 minutes of me rocking her. This morning when Michael got her out of bed he noticed two new teeth coming in; her bottom "Dracula fangs". I swear, we think she will have a mouthful of teeth before Christmas!
Posted by Mamabear at 12:20 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Just Me and My Shadow

Posted by Mamabear at 1:31 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Big Bear & Weekend Visitor Surprises!
WE ARE BACK!! What a wonderful vacation and weekend we had! As you all know, we headed to Big Bear this past Monday with 4 other families making a grand total of 10 adults and 6 kids in a five bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3 story "chalet" ( Some of you may read this and think, that is NOT a vacation but the Owston, Price, Henn, Wiese and Magin families all beg to differ! (Just a forewarning...there are going to be a lot of pictures posted in this entry so don't tell us we didn't warn you in advance that you may be here for awhile :)
The view from our deck And now, to introduce the other superstars of the week that you will be reading all about in the Big Bear portion of this blog entry...
Cavanaugh Henn-son to Mike and Courtney AKA: ("Little Man" or"Man Sandwich")
Isabelle chowing down on Mom's ice cream!
Isabelle, Mackie and Mia-Mia was forced into this one...she is not a big fan of bathing with others. We are just glad we got this shot of them :)
Thursday was another stay at home and chill day for all of us but Michael got cabin fever and wanted to get out to take a stroll around the lake. So Courtney, Cav and the three of us got into the car and set off. After driving all around the lake and finding nothing but boat docks/landings, huge rocks and no beach, we stopped at a little spot where people were fishing and got out to check out the water. Isabelle had started her one and only melt down of the trip about half way around the lake. So when we pulled off at a spot where there was a little sand and thought that would cheer her up. At first she cried and carried on (see first pic) but as soon as she saw the water, her day brightened up. Although it was freezing cold, we took off her sandals and let her stand in the water. While in the water a duck swam by which she would have loved to have dove in right after!
Little Miss Crybaby
This night was "Guys Night Out". Their first thought was to head out right after dinner (this was our family's night, well Michael's night-hehe, to cook) and hit Happy Hour then come home however, they found a little place called Murphy's Pub that had karaoke going all night and needless to say, this is where we picked them up from hours later (pics of their night will be posted later too). Some stayed up till the wee hours of the morning, trying to soak in every last breath of vacation that they could while others (like me) hit the hay when the guys got back.
Courtney and Cavanaugh at the "beach"
Grandpa O (Dickie) and Isabelle hanging out at the house.We had a babysitter all set up for Isabelle so when Michael left for the theatre, the parent folk came over, I picked up the babysitter and off we went out to grab a bite to eat and to the show. They had been hiding Dickie at their house since his flight came in that afternoon and we weren't going to chance anything ruining this surprise. Dickie was staying clear of the dressing rooms at the theatre and we made sure that anyone who saw me, didn't tell Michael I was there because he would wonder why and who is watching Izzy. After the show the cast gathers in the lobby to chat with everyone and let me tell you, the look on Michael's face when he saw his Dad was priceless! I wish I had a camera with me. Michael did a double take and said "what the heck are you doing here?". We surprised the heck out of was great! We got home that night and sat outside not too late since Michael had to be up and back to the theatre at 9am for auditions for Of Mice and Men, the next main stage show at the theatre that he is directing.
Grandpa O playing with Isabelle and her Incrediblock Saturday brought another visitor to the Santa Clarita Valley...a client and friend from Toledo Ohio, Karl. After Dickie, Isabelle and I hung out all day, we got ready and went over to my folks house to join them and Karl for dinner. Karl had not seen Isabelle since last September at a conference we were at in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida so needless to say that when he saw her, he couldn't believe how big she had gotten.
Isabelle and Karl After dinner we took a walk down to the playground. Karl got some great shots of all the fun we had (thank you again for sharing them, Karl).
Poppy and Isabelle playing on the slideMichael had closing night of his show that night so after dinner Dickie, Isabelle and I headed home and waited for him to get home. When Michael got home, he and Dickie went out to Mulligans for the cast party. They had a great time! Sunday morning my Dad came by and picked up Dickie since both he and Karl were on the same flight home. We were so glad that not only did Michael get to see his Dad but that Dickie was able to see Isabelle. We did miss Marebear though (aka: Grandma O).
Isabelle playing Cinderella with Zoe
Isabelle wanting a piece of Sadie's roll....she did say please though and Sadie shared :)
Mark and Isabelle playing naptime
Posted by Mamabear at 8:22 AM 1 comments