Lately the easiest exercise for both Michael and I is taking Bear and Isabelle out for a walk. We have either the hiker backpack, the wagon or the trusty jogger or stroller that Isabelle rides in. As we have mentioned, Isabelle loves the outdoors, she loves her dog and now, she loves to walk her dog. I have started something new with her that has so far been great...thanks to a wonderful, gentle dog who actually stops if her leash drops.

The other week Isabelle was in the hiking backpack and half way through our walk she started getting fussy and the camel pack nozzle (which she knows how to use and usually needs to be refilled along with her diaper changed when we are done with our walk-hehe) nor the keys were making her happy. I happened to hand her the keys with Bear's leash in my hand and of course, that is what she wanted. I gave in and gave it to her. With Isabelle holding on tight to the leash, I chanted "walking the dog, walking the dog" (think of it being said in Beavis and Buttheads voices, "breakin the law, breakin the law") as she bounced in her seat. Its pretty funny and besides the leash rubbing the side of my neck when she is in the backpack, she does a great job walking Miss B. Perhaps I will just stick with her in the stroller until it gets cooler and I can wear something that will cover my neck. Yeah, that may happen in early December....if we are lucky! This next picture I like to call "Isabelle's Amish Buggy" :)

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