Isabelle is a very happy baby with one of the most cheerful dispositions (so we have been told) that a 14 month old could ever have but that disposition has been leaning more towards Bi Polar the past few days...ever since those molars of hers decided to officially cut through and show themselves.Since we were all blessed with Isabelle having a pain free teething process for her first 8 teeth, three days ago we did not think that she was hmmm lets call it "moody", because she was cutting her molars. Now she had been drooling quite a bit but she wasn't gnawing on her hands, furniture, her dog, sidewalks, trees or anything else that really triggered us to think that this is what it was. If anything we thought that her ear infection and cold she had 2 weeks ago might be coming back!
On Tuesday she hadn't eaten much all day but again, that didn't ring any bells since she is not that big of an eater to begin with. She was sort of clingy, playing with her ears a bit and was getting easily frustrated when her toys wouldn't "work" for her. Later that evening I noticed that she felt really warm so I took her temp; 102.6 in one ear and 101.9 in the other so immediately I started pumping Tylenol in her. That night we could have sworn we were back to having a newborn in the house. I put her down just before 8pm and she was up every hour to two hours just sobbing. We would give her more Tylenol as soon as 6 hours passed, and even tried Triaminic in case it was a cold, but still nothing seemed to soothe her. I would be rocking her in her room with lullaby music playing and she would be crying with her eyes closed, tossing and turning in my arms just trying to get comfortable to go back to sleep. Michael and I felt completely helpless and just wanted our baby girl to feel better. After a 2:30am wake up, she finally went down and stayed down until 6am. Since I was already up getting ready for work, I got her and put her in bed with Michael. So with a bottle to fill her belly and her Papa at her side, she fell asleep for another 3 hours and woke up as her usual chipper that night of pain never even happened.
Friday, May 30, 2008
First Molars BITE!
Posted by Mamabear at 12:36 PM
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