Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The New "Doo"...sort of

So before leaving on our trip to Jordan, it was decided that our little nappyheaded daughter needed to get a haircut...her first haircut. Nothing too drastic but a haircut none the less.

So we made an appointment for her at a children's salon (yes, a salon for kids) called Gumball Alley. There they have cars, jeeps and other vehicles that the children sit in while getting thier haircut, video games, baskets of toys to play with, a tv below the oounter tops at each station (which is a great and easy way to get a kid to "keep thier head down"-remember those days?) and they create a little keepsake, inluding a lock of hair, to note this special "first" in your child's life. Why is it that they only created a place like this now, beats the heck out of us!

We walked in at 2:30 yesterday for our appointment and met Lisa. Isabelle smiled at her when she greeted us and we walked over to her station to dicuss our thoughts for Izzy's new doo. Although very excited to be in this new found place, Isabelle actually sat pretty still in a Barbie jeep while Lisa got ready to start. We decided to give her some bangs, take a little off the top to get rid of the frizzies and leave the sides (Lisa's strong suggestion since they take forever to grow out). It started out with me holding Isabelle's head straight but then I thought I might be more in the way than helping out. Lisa did great and so did Isabelle.

With Papa, Mom and Grandmama by her side, the whole 15 minute experience gave us 32 camera pictures, 3 cell phone pictures and one cute little stinkerpie when all was said and done.