Monday, January 21, 2008

And we are off....

Since "walking" assisted is one of Isabelle's favorite past times, Michael and I decided to push the envelope a little last night. We were sitting on the floor playing with Isabelle and Michael decided to stand her up to see if we could coax her into walking to one another. Michael started letting go of her hand when she was mid way to me and she would fall forward into my arms. However after a few minutes of this she would actually stop, stand still, get her bearings and take 2-3 steps towards whomever she was heading for. It was all in a matter of seconds but oh, was it so cute! She was giggling the whole time too :) The best was when she was cruising up and down the couch, I called her name and told her to “come here” and excitedly she turned to me with one hand still on the couch, let go, got steady and walked two steps to me. After awhile and as soon as she would get close to someone, she would fall forward into their lap laughing. It was hilarious! We can't wait to show you all...that is if she cooperates for the video camera!