Sunday, January 27, 2008

Hello? And other games we play

Grandmama Ilich and Isabelle spend at least one day a week and a few week nights together, just the two of them. The last time she was at Grandmama's she learned a new "trick", not fetch...although that would be a good one for those early weekend mornings. Hmmmmm? Anywho, back to her "tricks". Isabelle has a a "hello" game. Whatever toy, whether it is a phone, a stacking block or her hand, if you say "hello?" she will put whatever she has handy at that moment right up to her ear and say, "dah?". It scares us to think of the future. If she had a cell phone, she would run her Papa and I right into the poor house. I know, we will just pass her cell phone bills onto Grandmama and Poppy Ilich as a thank you for teaching her that so early.

Another game that Isabelle has quickly gotten the hang of is peek a boo. She loves to play it anytime and anywhere. Its actually pretty funny, she will be standing there in plain eyesight then she crouches down a little bit (getting ready for muscle class, Mere-go squats!) and all of a sudden pops up saying, "DAH!". She does that 3 or 4 times in a row smiling from ear to ear each time. She thinks she is sneaky but we've got her number :)

Along the same lines as peek a boo she also likes to play "Where's Isabelle?". We think that this one helps with name recognition skills; as if she doesn't answer to other names such as Izzy, Izzard, Stinkerbelle, Big Head or my favorite, Monkeybutt. Here is a little snip it cell phone video that we caught on January 21:

Monday, January 21, 2008

And we are off....

Since "walking" assisted is one of Isabelle's favorite past times, Michael and I decided to push the envelope a little last night. We were sitting on the floor playing with Isabelle and Michael decided to stand her up to see if we could coax her into walking to one another. Michael started letting go of her hand when she was mid way to me and she would fall forward into my arms. However after a few minutes of this she would actually stop, stand still, get her bearings and take 2-3 steps towards whomever she was heading for. It was all in a matter of seconds but oh, was it so cute! She was giggling the whole time too :) The best was when she was cruising up and down the couch, I called her name and told her to “come here” and excitedly she turned to me with one hand still on the couch, let go, got steady and walked two steps to me. After awhile and as soon as she would get close to someone, she would fall forward into their lap laughing. It was hilarious! We can't wait to show you all...that is if she cooperates for the video camera!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

The Park Rules!

Today it was decided, shortly after our "weekend stay in bed time", that we would get up and take a walk to Starbucks. Getting the dog out with the three of us and Michael and I catching up on everything from the week before was wonderful. On our way home we walked through Summit Park and stopped to see what Isabelle would think of the swings. Come to find, she LOVES them. This might just become a weekend thing for the Owston family!

P.S. Her missing sock was in the stroller :)

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Drama Queen, Take 2!

Following in her Father's footsteps? I think not. Ready for the theatre? perhaps. Being a Drama Queen at only 9 1/2 months? Oh, you betcha!

Isabelle now understands what "no" means and like any other child, does not like to be told it. Having said that, we had to share a quick story.

Michael was folding socks the other day on the couch and she kept coming over and grabbing them or knocking them off the couch. He kept telling her "no" and she went right along doing it over and over again. Now our friend Amy shared a great idea with us. She told us that a friend of hers used to take her daughter's hand when she was grabbing or touching something she shouldn't and as she is moving her hand away, she would gently squeeze it and at the same time, tell her "no". Remembering that, Michael decided to try it out and was not successful in the least (kind of hard to be stern when your child finds it funny). So he did the next best thing, he removed her from the couch area and put her in front of a new toy she got for Xmas; a sing along, musical toy that has a mirror she can "sing" or watch herself in. He watched her in the mirror as her expression changed; her bottom lip slowly pursed out as she sat there pouting, she then started making fake crying/whining sounds and then made herself fall backwards onto the carpet with both hands on her face. Life is so rough!

Look out Broadway...Isabelle Anessa is going to be a STAR!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Walking, good. Play dates, better!

As everyone knows, it can get pretty hard to shrink back down to your "normal size" after having a baby so a few of the other new mom's and I get together as often as we can for a walk and talk session. We have routes all over Santa Clarita which are all at least 3 miles each. These walks are not only great for us, getting caught up on everything, getting away from the hubbies but most of all, getting together a little for the kids.
(pic below is of Mackie)

Amy (Mackenzie's Mommy), Caryn (Mia's Mommy) and I went walking this past Saturday. It was the first time we had done this all of us with our strollers and me with a stroller and a dog. So after we got through the park, that had wide enough sidewalks for the three of us to walk side by side, it narrowed down to me in the lead on the sidewalk (Bear is an alpha dog, always leading the pack), Amy and Mackie behind us and Caryn pushing Mia on the street. Us talking to one another making sure we all could hear, adjust sun shades when needed on each others was hilarious! The girls were looking at one another whenever they had a chance or babbling away.
(pic below is of Mia and Isabelle eating their favorite "puffs")

We got back to my house and let all of the girls eat before we headed out ourselves for some lunch. The conversation, as you can imagine, was non stop. All in all, we had a great time. And all I have to say is thank God for girlfriends. I know Isabelle will realize that one day too.
(pic below is of Izzy and Mackie)

Friday, January 11, 2008

9 Month STATS

We went in for Isabelle's 9 month check up yesterday and here is the low down:
28 1/2" tall (76th percentile)
head: 45.5 cm (80th percentile-she is an Owston!)
16 lbs. 9 oz (10th percentile)

She has reached, and in some cases has gone beyond, all of the "milestones: which makes her Papa and I very proud. However, the doctor is still not pleased with her weight. Now know, we do not starve our child in the least bit but she just doesn't seem to gain weight all that much. We changed her diet per the doctor's request at her 6 month appointment and added more rice cereal to her feedings, 6-8oz bottles at least 4 times a day and two full jars of baby food plus, whatever food we are eating that we can share with her (cheese, saltines, pears, peeled grapes, etc.) as well as her favorite "puffs". You would think that would be enough....apparently not. We told him that she is a very active baby and is barely ever still. With that he said we need to work on "fattening her up". So, here is the new feeding schedule:

Breakfast- 6-8 oz bottle, rice cereal, 4 oz bottle and then fruit if she is still hungry.
Mid-morning snack- 4-6 oz bottle
Lunch- 6 oz. bottle and fruit/veggies
Afternoon snack- 4-6 oz. bottle
Dinner- 6-8 oz bottle, rice cereal, 4 oz bottle and then veggies if she is still hungry
Before bed- 4 oz bottle

All we have to say it that is A LOT of bottles! We will see if this will "fatten her up" but I highly doubt it since she has a tendency to get full pretty quick and will definitely let you know when she is.

Also, we now officially have number 6 & 7...teeth in her mouth, that is! Yes, besides her three on the bottom and two front teeth, the neighbors to her front teeth have decided to be a pain, literally, and come out to play. Can you see them?

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

So long infant carrier and hello car seat!

It's official...we have made the switch to a car seat, still rear facing though. And although Isabelle's head droops down a bit or to the side when she sleeps (we will have to get a neck beanbag thing for her), all in all she really likes it. She can see everything and when I look back from the front seat, she is usually staring out one of the windows.
Our friend Olivia gave us some advice when shopping for a car seat; #1) make sure the "side wings" do not obstruct your child's view of the outside world. It can make a car ride pretty miserable if your child has blinders on the whole trip. #2) Get a convertible car seat that can grow with your child. Since you usually drop a couple hundred dollars on one, make it last. The one we purchased is a Safety 1st one that is for three stages, rear facing until 20 lbs, front facing, then it turns into a booster that can hold a child up to 100 lbs. And #3) Get one that has a cup holder for your child and is easy to clean. We got one with a cup holder that obviously is not being used yet and as for ease of cleaning part, we will let you know how that turns out. We will find out on Thursday at her 9 month check up (a little late due to us being gone over the holidays when she turned 9 months) approximately when she can be frontward facing. For some reason, I don't think she will be hitting 20 lbs. anytime soon. Isabelle is a petite thing like her friend Elise so it may just happen around the time she turns one.

This pic is from Sunday after a long car ride and we woke her from her nap. The one snag about not having the infant carrier and being able to just put her down in the carrier somewhere when we get her out of the car, especially when she is sleeping. Now she will more than likely always wake up when we get her out of her car seat. What to do, right? I am sure we will all get used to it pretty fast.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

Who would have ever thought that 2007 would fill us with such joy?

Wishing everyone a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year! Love to all!