First of all we have to send out a belated congratulations to Isabelle's godparents, April and Jason Price, on the arrival of their daughters Jasmine Aston and Roxanne Amelia. They were born last Wednesday, November 7 at 10:50pm. Jazzy weighed in at (sounds Ike a boxer-hehe) 4 lbs. 12 oz and 17" long and Roxy at 5 lbs. 6 oz. and 18" long. Everyone is home now and doing great :)
So now for the "are you kidding me" part of this blog entry. As we have mentioned before, Isabelle truly loves to stand more than anything in the world. If you give her your fingers, she will pull herself up to stand. If you start to walk with her holding your fingers, she marches along right with you. Well, this morning Michael put Isabelle in her crib while he went to shower and low and behold when he got out and went in the nursery to check on her, there she was...standing holding onto the crib rail with one hand and batting at her mobile with the other! He asked her what she was doing and proudly, Isabelle responded with a "Uh!" and smiled from ear to ear. Micheal called me at work right after that and all I could say was..."are you kidding me?" I guess its time to move the crib down a notch!
Since Isabelle has been able to crawl (she is army crawling still but with her chest up more and faster than the speed of light!) she has kept to the carpet in the living room. The other week, she had decided that when I was working on the computer in the guest room (which door is
adjacent to the living room) to pay me a visit. All I heard was a little laugh and there she was, scooting her way into the room I was in, smiling the entire way. We laughed and were okay with this since she was still on the carpet and we kept things that she shouldn't have out of reach and outlets covers all around.

Like we said, we were okay with this...until today. Today little Miss Nosey has decided to venture off to hardwood floor land, as Michael would say, "her own little hockey rink" :), BUT on that adventure, she found Bear's food and water bowls and decided to investigate by knocking over the water bowl and taking handfuls of dog food out of her food bowl. Thank goodness I was at work (
hehe). It looks like we are going to have to make a run to Babies R Us this weekend for some baby gate purchases, since now she is not afraid of going on the hardwood floor and is pulling herself up on everything.

Look out world, here she comes...whether you are ready or not!
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