Looking back 8 months and a day ago today, I was milling around the house after walking with my friend Caryn wondering if this was going to be the day? The doctor told me that he should see me in the hospital that week and boom, sure enough, Isabelle arrived at 12:35 in the morning, 8 months ago today.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Where have the past 8 months gone?
Posted by Mamabear at 11:58 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Happy Turkey Day!
Wishing everyone a happy, healthy, relaxing, food coma Thanksgiving holiday!
We are spending it at Grandmama and Grandpa Ilich's house with Nana, Tia Tara and our friends Mikee and Kristen who we have "adopted" for the holiday :) Who knows, we may even get brave enough to hit a few stores on Black Friday...wait, for a second there I forgot that I am married to Michael, the most impatient shopper around! Who are we kidding?! I may have to brave the mall by myself or drag a friend or two along....any takers? :)
Safe travels to all!
Posted by Mamabear at 8:46 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 19, 2007
Orlando and The Cold
Last weekend we had yet another travel conference/trade show in Florida but this time it was in Orlando, the home of you know who...Mickey Mouse!
Grandmama, Isabelle and I flew out Friday morning (leaving at the crack of dawn so we wouldn't get stuck in the nasty LA traffic and miss our flight). Thinking that we had a little time, with pre-boarding and everything, we stopped at the Crown Room to feed Isabelle and ourselves and although it was there, Mom and I resisted the temptation of a mimosa or two before the flight-LOL! However when we go to the gate we found out that Delta does not pre-board any more! What kind of "you know what" is that, we thought!?!? So that posed a bit of a problem since we did not check in any luggage and had 2 small roller suitcases, the stroller plus the infant carrier, a computer bag, Grandmama's carry on and a diaper bag...a strategy had to immediately be put in the making. With the diaper bag on (its a backpack, thank goodness), my computer bag slung over one shoulder while pushing Isabelle in the stroller/infant seat and Grandmama pulling both suitcases along with her carry on, we got to the bottom of the jet way. As quick as a wink, Grandmama grabbed the infant seat, her carry on and Isabelle while I collapsed the stroller (which is haphazardly thrown in the belly of the plane-GRRR) and with my other two bags in tow, grabbed the two suitcases and as carefully as we could, headed down the aisle of the plane to our seats. Now Grandmama was smart, she bought a row of three seats in coach and we plopped Isabelle down in her carrier right between the two of us. After we finally got all settled in, the flight was a breeze! At least when we go to Michigan for Christmas, we will have to check in our luggage!!
The conference was at Disney's Contemporary Hotel which was VERY contmeporary. Lots of clean lines and bold colors and completly unuseful bathroom sinks. You may wonder why I would say this well, if you try bathing a 15lb little one in a huge, flat, square sink that has a 3" lip all around so it cannot be filled, you would agree that it was completely unuseful...as well as what your spit does or doesnt do after brushing your teeth, YUCK! I am sure you get my point. While Grandpa Ilich/Dad/the Boss :) and I were schmoozing, Grandmama and Isabelle spent most of their late mornings/early afternoons out by the pool chasing down ducks until we called. On Saturday night we had no plans with the conference so we decided to visit one of the parks (since we did have free hopper passes). We chose Epcot Center and thought we should save Walt Disney World to share with Papa since he LOVES Mickey. We had a great time strolling through China and Norway, eating dinner at a cafe in St. Marc's Square and ending the evening with buying Isabelle an ornament at the gift shop. My camera was on the fritz so we didn't get any pics at Epcot :( But it has been decided that for Isabelle's fifth birthday, Walt Disney World is where we are heading.
Now for the cold...our little one caught her first cold and is still somewhat fighting it off. She was a little congested in Florida but on the plane ride home (which we mastered the boarding and unboarding like pros) she was sniffling and then came a nasty cough. With the recalls of the children's cold medicines, we did not want to take our chances on giving her anything so Michael got an appt on Tuesday, the day we returned, with Isabelle's pediatrician. And let me tell you, he wasn't that helpful. He told us again, that she is underweight for her size and age and needs to "fatten up" and that her cold just has to run its course and go away on its own. That night we got a humidifier (thanks Grandmama and Grandpa Ilich) and some Baby Vicks and let it "run its course" however, for the past 4 mornings, I have woken up to our little one coughing up a storm ! It usually subsides and is gone midway through her day but it is so annoying for her to still have it. If this cough of hers is not gone by this weekend, back to the doctor's we go. Do you hear that, GERMS!!! We are coming to get you if you don't leave on your own. Lets see if that works :)
Posted by Mamabear at 8:30 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Are you kidding me?
First of all we have to send out a belated congratulations to Isabelle's godparents, April and Jason Price, on the arrival of their daughters Jasmine Aston and Roxanne Amelia. They were born last Wednesday, November 7 at 10:50pm. Jazzy weighed in at (sounds Ike a boxer-hehe) 4 lbs. 12 oz and 17" long and Roxy at 5 lbs. 6 oz. and 18" long. Everyone is home now and doing great :) So now for the "are you kidding me" part of this blog entry. As we have mentioned before, Isabelle truly loves to stand more than anything in the world. If you give her your fingers, she will pull herself up to stand. If you start to walk with her holding your fingers, she marches along right with you. Well, this morning Michael put Isabelle in her crib while he went to shower and low and behold when he got out and went in the nursery to check on her, there she was...standing holding onto the crib rail with one hand and batting at her mobile with the other! He asked her what she was doing and proudly, Isabelle responded with a "Uh!" and smiled from ear to ear. Micheal called me at work right after that and all I could say was..."are you kidding me?" I guess its time to move the crib down a notch!

Posted by Mamabear at 10:51 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Congratulations to our friends Tony, Laura and Nathan Tooma!! They are pregnant once again and due next July. Who knows, Nathan and the new little one may share the same birthday! We love you guys!
Posted by Mamabear at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 05, 2007
Oh, Noisy One
Well this should come as no surprise to you guys but our little Isabelle is becoming more and more vocal day with each passing day. She has sounds with constants like "ga", "da", "ca" and "ba" but, she has not put a animate or inanimate object to a sound. She is quite the little babbler though and we love every minute of it...for now :)
Isabelle has completely fallen in love with Bear and Sam (my parent's dog). When either of us are holding her, even if its first thing in the morning, and we ask her "where is your dog?", she looks down and all around for Bear and when she sees her, she smiles and usually lets out a "uh".Her newest "antic" is what we like to call squishy face. She will start laughing or just smiling at you and scrunch up her nose and make little noisy blasts of air come out of her nose as her little lips scrunch up and show off her two bottom teeth. Its hilarious! She does this at least 5-6 times a day and we think she knows it makes us laugh :)
Posted by Mamabear at 5:22 PM 0 comments