Like we had previously mentioned, Isabelle's pediatrician wanted her to start on rice cereal at 4 months, green veggies at 5 months, fruits and sweet veggies (sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, etc.) at 6 months and meats at 7 months. Well, you saw how the rice cereal went and truth be told, she loves it! It has to be Cream of Wheat style though, not too runny or else nothing doing.
Also as of August 23rd, exactly one week after she cut tooth #1, we had a sighting of tooth #2! Yes, our little one now has two chompers in that little mouth of hers which Mom has felt on several making her smile or laugh when I am nursing her :) She became a little irritable but not at all like what we thought she would become after reading about teething. Maybe she will be a monster child when the others, especially her molars, come in. Thank goodness we have awhile to wait for those.
Here is another new thing...
The nurses said from the minute Isabelle was born, that they couldn't believe how alert she was. When she would finally go to sleep, they would whisk her away to the nursery for her hearing test, but the moment they got her in there, there Isabelle was, eyes open and checking out the world. Needless to say, after 5 attempts she had her hearing test done while she was awake. Well now, this "alertness" that we have been so proud of is posing a problem. For the past week and a half, she is fighting teeth :) and nail to stay awake because we believe she thinks she is going to miss something. She gets completely cranky and starts crying and fussing and fighting the fact that she is tired. Just today when I came home from work, there she was pitching a fit, rubbing her eyes and fighting going to sleep; Dad and her were not friends when I walked in. She hates to be cradled but I have found that this is the only way to get her to calm down and go to sleep when she gets into these tizzies. I give her her pacifier, cradle her in my arms, sway back and forth while lightly patting her back and after a few minutes, off to la-la land she goes. Dad and everyone else will learn their own technique or hopefully won't have too because our fingers are crossed, that this growing pain won't last too long.
She is rolling around all over the place as well; front to back and back to front...maybe she has ADD? LOL! We have to keep our eyes on her all the time. We have her on her gym mat on the floor and then, no kidding, a few minutes later, she has rolled of it and is about a foot away, sitting up on her elbows looking at you. She is a wiggle worm!
We shall see what next week has in store for us. Perhaps she will like another green veggie like spinach or sit up on her own (she is getting there) or maybe she will figure out the mysteries of the never know whats next with our little Isabelle.
By the way....we want to welcome to the world our friends Courtney and Mike's new son, Cavenaugh Henn. He was born on Labor Day :) at 10:50pm weighing in at a whopping 9 lbs. 6 oz. and 21.5 inches long!! He is the first boy of the group and we have his party dress all picked out for the first tea party :) We love you guys!
I can't believe she has all those teeth! Ellie STILL only has four! =) I swear Izzy gets cuter every second. You need go ahead and put her in a Baby Gap commercial already. (college fund!)
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