Well, as you all know, our little Miss. Isabelle Anessa arrived almost on her due date (37 mins late), on March 28, 2007 at 12:37 am and was 6 lbs, 8 oz and 20.5" long. The delivery was a piece of cake...once I got the epidural :) We checked into the hospital around 5:30ish and 7 hours later, we had our beautiful little girl in our arms. Michael (Papa) did great, considering the fact that he said he would be no where near the delivery room and actually stayed right outside the door behind a curtain until she was here. I did have one of my best friends, Amy (who was also pregnant at the time), and my Mom with me through the delivery itself "rooting me on". My other "coach", April, who is also Isabelle's Godmother, couldn't be there. She was laid up on her couch with what we found out a few weeks after Isabelle got here, the picklettes...yes, twin girls! We had several visitors at the hospital but mostly the day we got home until about 2am!! Everyone was so excited to meet her and Michael and I were on the biggest adrenaline rush ever that we didn't mind staying up. She just slept right through it all.
Since then Isabelle has met many "milestones"; She had her 2 month shots (the very first time we have heard the most heartbreaking cry/wail come out of our little one's mouth and there was nothing we could do about it), holds her head up, starting to roll herself over to her back when she is on her tummy, almost sits up without falling over (see my MySpace page for a great video that Michael caught of her while at the theatre-http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=20218509), blows bubble (yes, that is a milestone), smiles the most beautiful smile, coos, giggles and almost laughs (especially at her Papa), focuses on pretty much everything, grabs things but not intentionally just yet and so many other things. She is a wonderful (knock on wood) and very alert baby whom we hear, has set the bar pretty high for all of our friends who are having kids.
She had her first road trip up to Lake Tahoe two weekends ago for our friends Kremer and Adriann's wedding and did wonderful! Uncle Steve and Aunt Vicki came over the hill (about an hour and a half drive) to babysit her while we were at the wedding. It was a great time!
Speaking of traveling, Isabelle will be going on her first flight with her Mom, Grandmama and Grandpa Ilich on July 18 to Vancouver. Once we are in Vancouver, we will be boarding a ship and sailing to and through Alaska for an Advisory Board Meeting for my work. Unfortunately Papa cannot make it, the REP's summer fundraiser is that weekend, but we know that she will be in Grandmama's loving hands while I am in meetings. My Dad swears that when my Mom cut the cord, she reconnected it to herself...she loves this little one just as much as we do! So with flying into Canada, you know what that means...we have to get a passport which entails getting passport pictures done. Oh was that a hoot! We went to AAA yesterday waited for about 5 mins until they called my name and when they found out the pictures needed to be taken of Isabelle, no joke, 5 ladies immediately came over to assist with the pictures. Needless to say she was an angel, hamming it up for them and we got just the right shot. Now lets see how quickly her passport will be turned around even with expedited shipping!
Here are a few more pics... 2 months in the brown dress that Ash and Grandma O gave her, 1.5 months with Papa in their Red Wings jerseys & only 3 weeks old in the pink sweater and the picture with Mom and Papa below. Isabelle was a little under 2 months in the pic with the build a bear from Jackie and Randy & 1.5 months with her sis, Bear.
Lake Tahoe pics from Kremer and Adriann's wedding (June 21-24) at almost 3 months and in the Princess Las Vegas onesie from Sally, she is 3 months!
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