We know, it has been FAR too long since we had an entry and we don't want to have anymore comments from certain friends (who mind you, are wonderful weekly bloggers that we just cannot compete with-you know who you are!) on visiting our blog site and seeing the "Wings Crap" again. Gosh...and to think, our little one isn't even here yet and we have fallen this far behind. We will make up for it, we promise!
So to get everyone caught up, we thought we would summarize the last few months with some highlights and pics of things/events we have been up too! Here it goes...
At my first appointment of the new year the ultrasound above was taken. It was truly an amazing shot and so weird, but totally awesome to think, that this little one is inside of me. Since then, we have had several more (as you can imagine since this is my 39th week). We have been going to the doctor on a weekly basis since week 34 and each time, she (and I) are growing a little more. As of last Wednesday and this past Wednesday, I am a whopping 1-1/2 cm dialated-WHOO HOOO. For all who live out here, this weekend you will see me hiking up the hills behind Summit Park so hopefully when I go in next Monday my doctor will say I am ready to go! :)
The nursery is on its last leg of being finished, yes we know that Isabelle is due next week and could have been here already, It has been a challenge with a few things like the changing table we finally received that had to be sent back and re-ordered because it had two broken pieces. Well, we got the new one today and all the pieces are in tact :) That is actually what Papa O is doing tonight.
Well, that is all for now until we get some more pics...maybe of Isabelle this weekend, if we are lucky! Everyone keep your fingers crossed because we are sooo ready for her to be here and meet all of you!
Hugs to all!!
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