YES, it happened...our little Isabelle cut her first tooth today! There were none of the "usual signs"; grumpiness, fever or crying just a WHOLE LOT of drooling (which has been going on for over a month so we really didn't think much of it).
This is how I found it:
I was sitting at the computer today, finishing up some work from home, and had Isabelle sitting on my lap. Needless to say, our squirmy wormy child of ours was moving around so I switched her positioning on my lap, which didn't work because she was trying to get to the phone, a pen, some paper and my laptop (she has found out she can grab things and loves to get her hands on everything) but finally sat still when she found the knuckle of my index finger. Now usually we don't let her suck on our fingers, let alone her own since she has found her thumbs (that is a whole other story), but this time it stopped her from squirming. All of a sudden I felt something hard rubbing on my finger, immediately thinking I had something on my finger that she was getting at but come to find there wasn't anything there. I stopped and thought for a second, there is no way, there is just no way, she is only 4 and a half months old! Then low and behold, I rubbed my index finger across her bottom gumline and sure enough, there was the jagged beginnings of her first tooth!

Our baby is growing up way too fast. What's next, walking?